Tudor Timelines and Biographies

Famous Tudors
period of the English Tudors spawned a variety of famous and glamorous people. The Renaissance brought about an age of new learning and ideas in the fields of arts, literature, science, exploration and philosophy.

Famous Tudors - Tudor Timelines & Biographies
This section of the Tudors website includes many biographies and timelines of the greatest and most famous men and women who made the era of the Tudors the most exciting in English history. Read about the fascinating lives of many famous Tudors including the following men and women - Royalty, nobles, courtiers, statesmen, actors, poets explorers and many more:

Famous Tudors - Tudor Timelines & Biographies - Owen Tudor
Owen Tudor was famous for his secret marriage to Catherine of Valois, the widow of King Henry VI. He fought on the side of the Lancastrians during the Wars of the Roses. He was the grandfather of King Henry VIII.

Famous Tudors - Tudor Timelines & Biographies - King Henry VII
Lancastrian Henry Tudor was famous for defeating the Yorkist King Richard III in the Battle of Bosworth Field and claiming the throne of England to become King Henry VII and founding the Tudor dynasty.

Famous Tudors - Tudor Timelines & Biographies - Lady Jane Grey
Lady Jane Grey was famous as the Queen for Nine Days. Her tragic short reign as the puppet Protestant Queen of England and subsequent execution by beheading.

Famous Tudors - Tudor Timelines & Biographies - Queen Mary I
Queen Mary I was famous as the fanatical Catholic Queen of England who gained the nickname of Bloody Mary due to her persecution of Protestants and for burning then at the stake.

Famous Tudors - Tudor Timelines & Biographies - Mary Queen of Scots
Mary Queen of Scots was famous as the tragic Catholic Queen of Scotland whose marriages led to misery and death. Imprisoned in England by her cousin, Queen Elizabeth I, she became involved in various Catholic plots and eventually fell into an English trap which proved treason against Queen Elizabeth which led to her execution by beheading.

Famous Tudors - Tudor Timelines & Biographies - William Cecil, Lord Burghley
William Cecil, Lord Burghley, was famous for serving Queen Elizabeth I as Diplomat, Politician and Statesman

Famous Tudors - Tudor Timelines & Biographies - Sir Thomas More
Sir Thomas More was a brilliant man of principles, the author of Utopia, who was executed by beheading because he refused to bow to the will of the king above his religious beliefs and to accept King Henry VIII as the supreme head of the Church of England.

Famous Tudors - Tudor Timelines & Biographies - Mary Boleyn
Mary Boleyn was famous as the younger sister of Anne Boleyn who gave birth to a son, known as Henry Carey, who was believed to be the Illegitimate son of King Henry VIII.

Famous Tudors - Tudor Timelines & Biographies - George Boleyn
George Boleyn was famous as the older brother of Queen Anne Boleyn who was executed on the false charge of treason and incest with his sister Queen Anne Boleyn.

Famous Tudors - Tudor Timelines & Biographies - Lady Jane Rochford
Lady Jane Rochford was famous as the woman who married George Boleyn and was instrumental in the events leading to the deaths of Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard, the wives of King Henry VIII and two Queens of England.

Famous Tudors - Tudor Timelines & Biographies King Edward VI
King Edward VI was famous as the only legitimate son of King Henry VIII. He succeeded his father to the throne of England but died at the age of 15 years old

Famous Tudors - Tudor Timelines & Biographies - Sir Francis Walsingham
Sir Francis Walsingham was famous as the famous Protestant Statesman who served Queen Elizabeth I as a Spymaster. One of his spies was reputed to be Christopher Marlowe.

Famous Tudors - Tudor Timelines & Biographies - Cardinal Wolsey
Cardinal Thomas Wolsey was famous as the greatest statesman who served King Henry VIII. He fell from favour when he failed to secure a divorce for King Henry VIII from Katherine of Aragon to enable him to marry Anne Boleyn. Cardinal Thomas Wolsey built Hampton Court Palace which was later 'acquired' by the king.

Famous Tudors - Tudor Timelines & Biographies - Christopher Marlowe
Christopher Marlowe was famous as a great Dramatist who was recruited as a spy by Sir Thomas Walsingham and died a very mysterious death.

Tudor Timelines & Biographies
Each section of this Tudors website addresses all topics and provides interesting facts and information about Tudor Timelines and Biographies. The Sitemap provides full details of all of the information and facts provided about the fascinating subject of the Tudors!

Tudor Timelines & Biographies

  • The Tudors era, period, life, age and times
  • Interesting Facts and information about Famous Tudors
  • Short Biography and timelines about the lives of Famous Tudors
  • Facts and History of Famous Tudors
  • Facts and Brief History of Famous Tudors
  • Famous Tudors, pictures & their era - Tudor People with Timelines & Bios

Tudor Timelines & Biographies

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