Tudor Schools

King Henry VIII - Tudor Schools

Picture of King Henry VIII


Tudor Schools

  • Interesting Facts and information about Tudor Schools
  • Life in the Grammar Schools
  • Typical week at Tudor Grammar Schools
  • History, facts and interesting information about Tudor Schools

Tudor Schools

Tudor Schools
Tudor Schools was were available to boys of the Upper and Middle Classes. The education of Tudor girls was based on non-academic subjects and their lessons were of a totally practical nature. Tudor girls would not have attended school or received any formal type of education. Boys between the ages of 5 and 7 attended Petty schools and from the ages of 7 to 14 they attended Grammar Schools.

Tudor Education

Life in the Grammar Schools
Life at school was quite strict. During summer the school day started at six o'clock in the morning and finished at five o'clock in the evening with a two hour break at midday. School hours changed during the winter due to the dark nights and school started later at seven o'clock and finished earlier at four o'clock. The school week consisted of a five full days and a half-day on Thursday. Children attended the Tudor schools between 40 to 44 weeks of the year, at least 2,000 hours in school which is more than double the current school hours. Pupils of the Tudor schools were expected to converse in Latin at all times in order to improve their fluency in the language. Speaking English at school was against the rules. Any infringement of the school rules resulted in various punishments. The punishments were fierce and fifty strokes of the cane was not an uncommon occurrence in Tudor Schools.

Tudor Schools - a typical week at Tudor Grammar Schools
The lessons taught at Tudor Schools was based on repetition and constant examinations and included languages, grammar, theology, history, rhetoric, logic, philosophy, arithmetic, literature, geometry and religious studies. A typical school week was as follows::

  • Monday - An examination which was based on the previous Sunday’s sermon
  • Tuesday to Thursday - the basic curriculum
  • Friday - The worst day at the Tudor schools - Examinations and Punishments
  • Saturday - study of the catechism and arithmetic
    • The catechism detailed the Christian Faith. Children would be expected to learn by heart certain passages from the catechism which related to being a 'good Christian'. An example of this would be "I will renounce the devil".

It is important to note that a Tudor school's curriculum was dictated by the ruling monarch of the time which had a significant effect on religious studies. The religions of the Tudor monarchs careered from the Catholic to Protestant religions and the religious studies taught in Tudor Schools altered accordingly.

Tudor Schools
Each section of this Tudors website addresses all topics and provides interesting facts and information about Tudor Schools. The Sitemap provides full details of all of the information and facts provided about the fascinating subject of the Tudors!

Tudor Schools

  • Interesting Facts and information about Tudor Schools
  • Life in the Grammar Schools
  • Typical week at Tudor Grammar Schools
  • History, facts and interesting information about Tudor Schools

Tudor Schools

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