Tudor Percussion Musical Instruments

King Henry VIII - Tudor Percussion Musical Instruments

Picture of King Henry VIII


Tudor Percussion Musical Instruments

  • Interesting Facts and information about  Percussion Musical Instruments
  • List of Percussion musical instruments
  • Definition and description
  • List of the types of percussion instrument used in the Sixteenth century

Tudor Percussion Musical Instruments

Tudor Percussion Musical Instruments
Sixteenth Century musical instruments were used in various combinations which provided the Tudors with the opportunity to create unusual and creative music, a forerunner to the modern orchestra. Their collection of Percussion musical instruments included the musical instruments from the Medieval period together with the musical instruments which emerged during the period of the Tudors. There were many Tudor Percussion Musical Instruments. A Percussion instrument is played by being struck, shaken, rubbed or scraped.

Tudor Music - Tudor Percussion Instruments
The collection of Tudor percussion instruments included the musical instruments from the Medieval period together with the musical instruments which emerged during the Tudor era. There were many Percussion Tudor Musical Instruments. The following is a list of Tudor percussion instruments:

  • The Drum - the drum is a musical percussion instrument usually consisting of a hollow cylinder with a membrane stretched across each end  - also called tambours
  • The Cymbal - the cymbal is a percussion instrument consisting of a concave brass disk; makes a loud crashing sound when hit with a drumstick or when two are struck together
  • The Triangle - the triangle is a bar of metal, bent into a triangle shape, struck with a metal beater, giving a high-pitched, ringing tone
  • The Tambourine - The tambourine is a small drum consisting of a circular frame with a skin stretched over it and several pairs of metal jingles attached to the frame, played by striking with the knuckles or shaking

Tudor Percussion Musical Instruments
Each section of this Tudors website addresses all topics and provides interesting facts and information about Tudor Percussion Musical Instruments. The Sitemap provides full details of all of the information and facts provided about the fascinating subject of the Tudors!

Tudor Percussion Musical Instruments

  • Interesting Facts and information about  Percussion Musical Instruments
  • List of Percussion musical instruments
  • Definition and description
  • List of the types of percussion instrument used in the Sixteenth century

Tudor Percussion Musical Instruments

Sixteenth Century - 16th Century - Drums - Tambourine - Cymbal - Triangle - List - History of Tudor Music - Information - Facts - Info - Era - Life - Entertainment - Tudors - Times - Life - Triangle - Cymbal - History - Information - Facts - Info - Times - Musicians - Composers - Music - History - Information  - Facts - Info - Times - Musicians - Composers - Stringed and Keyboard - List - Sixteenth Century - Drums - Tambourine - Cymbal - Triangle - List - 16th Century - History of Tudor Music - Information - Facts - Info - Era - Life - Entertainment - Tudors - Times - Life - History - Information - Facts - Info - Times - Musicians - Composers - Music - History - Information  - Facts - Info - Times - Musicians - Composers - Percussion  - Drums - Tambourine - Cymbal - Triangle - List - Written By Linda Alchin

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